What is Equella?

Creation date: 25/07/2018 16:12    Updated: 14/11/2018 15:50    equella moodle

What is EQUELLA?

EQUELLA is a digital content repository for storing and managing digital assets such as documents, images and other forms of multimedia.

Content stored in Equella can be easily searched and retrieved through simple keyword or more advanced searches.

It can also be made directly available to students through integration with Moodle.

Login to EQUELLA

The Medicine instance of Equella is sepearte to the central Monash Equella.

Go to https://equella.monash.edu/more/ and use your Monash username and password to login.

We manage access to collections, so if you're having trouble accessing content, let us know - Contact Us

EQUELLA Overview

The following video provides an overview of the features of Equella.

Why use EQUELLA?

Equella provides a unique opportunity for sharing educational resources between different departments and disciplines within the faculty, with benefits to both students and staff through improved resource creation and teaching and learning support.

The following videos illustrate how Equella can be used to add content to Moodle:


and how students can search collections to locate resources to support their learning:

The EQUELLA module enables a teacher to link to content stored in an EQUELLA repository. Users are automatically authenticated to the EQUELLA repository when they choose a resource.