Gradebook Support 

If you need to get your Gradebook ready for exporting marks at the end of Semester here are the support options being provided by the faculty's eLearning team:

Audits and gradebook
At the end of August and start of Septebmer, we'll be running an audit tool to check for obvious issues in most gradebooks across the faculty. If we spot anything that is likely to cause problems, we will email the unit's chief examiner to offer assistance.
We can also quickly check over individual units on request, once you think everything is set up correctly. Please email to request this. 

Online resources
We have prepared the following guides and FAQs to help you get your gradebook set up, or to help check/fix some common settings. 

We have scheduled short webinars to help step you through the process of setting up your gradebook. The sessions will include demos and times for Q&A, and will be recorded. You can find dates/times and book in via the MNHS Booking System.

Book an appointment
Our team is offering a limited number of one-on-one consultations to help you get started, fix tricky problems or check everything is ok. You can book them here: 
Creation date: 09/08/2021 14:45      Updated: 18/03/2022 12:11