eExams - adding MCQs to the platform (direct entry and bulk upload in Aitken format) - Apr 2021

Creation date: 29/04/2021 08:44    Updated: 29/04/2021 08:44   eassessment eexams exams mcqs

eExams - adding MCQs to the platform (direct entry and bulk upload)

The attached document, prepared by the eExams team, outlines the steps for creating multiple-choice questions (MCQs) directly into the eExam platform, or formatting the exam in a text document for upload into the system.

Additional notes:
If bulk uploading,  ensure your document is saved in plain text (.txt) format.
Note that the eExam platform will re-order questions alphabetically. If you require questions in a certain order, begin each question stem with a number such as 001, 002 etc. These will need to be manually removed once the questions are in the platform, but it is a much quicker process than reordering the questions later!

If you have images in your questions, you will need to edit them in the platform to add the images in once the question text has been uploaded.