Question - I want to use Respondus Lockdown Browser and have the option for students to draw / sketch their answer

Creation date: 19/03/2020 18:24    Updated: 20/03/2020 09:53   lockdownbrowser quiz respondus

Question - I want to use Respondus Lockdown Browser and have the option for students to draw / sketch their answer


Our eLearning Services team have tested a solution that can work in Respondus. This involved whitelisting a website ( in the Respondus Dashboard settings and asking students to share a link to their drawing in the text response.

Steps required.
  1. Set up your quiz as normal. For the question(s) you want students to sketch a response, set up an 'Essay' question and link to in Question Text

  2. In the Respondus Block, select 'Dashboard'

  3. Enable Respondus, and allow access to

  4. With this now set up, students can take the quiz in Respondus. When attempting this question, students can draw their response and share a link to their work

  5. Students responses can be pasted into Moodle (via Respondus)

Click here to view how this will work for the students (apologies for the iphone video, running Respondus does not allow you to run screen capture software)

NOTE - We tested several websites and found that was the best option. A lot of other websites did not allow us to save, share or copy the image to
