Importing groups in bulk

Creation date: 06/09/2019 10:47    Updated: 28/04/2020 10:29    bulk import groups
To create groups via spreadsheet:
  1. Set up your spreadsheet with two columns
    - Column A = student username (this can be taken from the email address eg. has the username student0001
    - The student ID number can also be used as the unique identifier but the username is preferred
    - Column B = group name eg. Group Name 1
  2. No column headers are required:

  3. Save the file as a .csv
  4. Go to the Participants' page in your Moodle site. Click on the cog icon and select 'Import Enrolls' from the dropdown menu:

  5. Select the following settings for the import:

  6. Alternatively, if you are using the student ID number, select 'ID number' for the User Identity field. If you have already set up the group names, you can choose the group from the 'Use group' field in Group Options, instead of 'Use file data'.
  7. Next, select (or drag and drop) the .csv file you created to the 'Import file' box and click 'Import':

  8. You will receive a successful import message when the groups have been created.

    Tutors can also be imported into groups using the same spreadsheet! Even though the selected 'Role' is Student the import will not override the currently assigned role of Tutor in Moodle but it will add the tutor to the relevant group. Simply add their username and group name to the spreadsheet along with the students.

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