Question - How do I set up my Moodle Quiz to use Respondus?

Creation date: 05/06/2019 11:45    Updated: 05/06/2019 11:45   quiz respondus

How do I set up my quiz to use Respondus LockDown Browser? 


Before using the Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) + Webcam monitoring you must contact eLearning Services to discuss Respondus setup, timing and support options

After speaking to eLearning Services:

  1. Login to your Moodle site

  2. Turn Editing on

  3. On the left hand side locate Add a block (at the very bottom) and select Respondus LockDown Browser from the pull-down menu:

  4. Moodle will add the Respondus block on the right in your course. To start using Respondus, click on Dashboard. The dashboard will display all the Quizzes created in your Moodle course on the left and LockDown Browser status on the right.
    To activate or deactivate LockDown Browser for a specific assessment, click on the Modify Settings button located on the left of each assessment title:

  5. Select your appropriate settings

  6. Respondus will indicate if you have enabled LDB or Webcam but renaming the quiz and changing the settings to 'Required'

  7. Now Respondus is set up, students will only be able to access the quiz via the Respondus LockDown Browser
