Question - Why can't students view embedded H5P activities?

Creation date: 06/05/2019 01:47    Updated: 09/05/2019 12:16   h5p issue

We have a major issue with embedded HP5 activities not linking when from activities migrated from other units from a previous semester.

Currently there are migrated Book activities using HP5 where students can't see the activity because the embedded HP5 activity links to orphaned HP5 activities are broken.

Could we please get assistance to re-connect these broken links as students are unable to complete examinable online activities.


While H5P activities rollover when we rollover your Moodle sites, any embedded H5P activities do not. 
Essentially Moodle (the web) treats embedded content as text only and has no way of knowing that the links need to be updated when we backup and restore the unit.

Any embedded H5P content needs to be updated post rollovers.

The faculty have previously logged this with the university as an enhancement request - RL389