Question - I want my students to be subscribed to Forum posts, but not other teaching staff

Creation date: 08/05/2019 21:59    Updated: 14/09/2020 08:09   forum notifications subscription

I was wondering if you could advise me how I can manage my forum subscription settings.  I wish the students to be automatically enrolled and make it hard or difficult for them to unsubscribe.  However, I was wondering if I can change the settings for the lecturers in my unit, as there are many posts that are clogging up in boxes, yet I think the setting is set to forced subscribe.  So in a nutshell, can I have different forum settings for students versus lecturers?


It is not possible to apply selective forced subscription mode to staff and lecturers.

Lecturers can however turn off email notification from forums through their 'Forum preferences'.  The steps are:

1.  Click on your name at the top right of the screen and select Preferences > Notification preferences.

2.  Scroll down to the Forum section and under the Email column, change the On to Off - see attached screenshot.

Note that this will turn off notification from all forums in all units, so it may not be exactly what you're after.
