About roles and permissions

Creation date: 06/02/2019 14:21    Updated: 06/04/2023 15:55   access moodle

Moodle allows various roles to manage or access the unit for various purposes.

Identifying different roles in Moodle

Moodle provides for the following roles:

  • LMS Administrator / Faculty Administrator- can add, edit and delete units, sort or move sub-categories within a faculty category;  create or edit unit settings and content, backup, delete, restore, import and reset units, as well as, view content, enrolment and add self-enrolment capability for their Faculty.
  • Chief Examiner - Can validate, submit and amend results to Callista via Results Management.
  • Unit Coordinator - Can validate results in preparation for results submission to Callista. This role is unable to submit results.
  • Lecturer / Non-Primary Lecturer – can edit and back up units, import content, grade, preview content, interact with students and view enrolment and manage student groups.
  • Designer – can edit content, backup, import, view content and view enrolments.
  • Tutor - can view units, grade and interact as well as view enrolments in the unit.
  • Observer/Guest - can view units but they are unable to change content or interact with the others in the unit
  • Student – can view the full content of the unit, participate and interact with the lecturer, tutor and other students enrolled in the unit.

About assigning roles

The following roles can assign different roles to staff and/or students in Moodle:

  • LMS Administrators - can manually enrol and assign other LMS Administrator, Faculty Administrator, Lecturer, Designer, Tutor, Observer and Student role to staff and students in Moodle units.
  • Faculty Administrators - can manually enrol and assign other School Administrators, Lecturer, Designer, Tutor, Observer and Student role to staff and students in Moodle units; can also manually assign the Administrator and Designer role in a category within the faculty.
  • Lecturers – can manually enrol and assign staff as Lecturers, Non-Primary Lecturers, Tutors, Observers, Guests or Students in their units.
  • Non-Primary Lecturers – can manually enrol and assign staff as Tutors, Observers, Guests or Students in their units.

Note: Designer, Tutor, Observer, Guest and Student roles are unable to assign or enrol others into a unit.

Manually enrol participants and assign them a role in your unit

Student cohorts are enrolled into a unit via direct integration with Callista (refer to your faculty administrator for details).

A Lecturer can manually enrol Monash staff and students into a unit and assign them a specific role, e.g. as a Non-Primary Lecturer, or as an Observer.

  1. Open the Nav Drawer on the right hand side by clicking the Menu button
  2. Click Participants
  3. Click the Enrol users button on the right hand side
  4. In the pop-up Windows that opens, type the name of the person you wish to add in the Select users field. You can add multiple users this way.
  5. In the Assign roles field click the arrow to select from the existing roles.
  6. When you’re done, click the Enrol selected users and cohorts button. The names of the enrolled staff or student will now appear in the list of enrolled users.

Change assigned role

  1. In the Nav Drawer, click Participants
  2. Under the Roles column, click the pencil icon to assign a new role

Remove assigned role

  1. In the Nav Drawer, click Participants
  2. To remove a user, click the delete icon under the Status column.