Gradebook Scales - Display a Letter Grade for students

Creation date: 14/11/2018 16:27    Updated: 18/03/2019 23:02   gradebook issue

A quick WARNING from our eLearning Services team about the use of Moodle's built-in scales in their Assignments and Forums.

Some users have been using reporting issues while using Moodle's built-in scales as the scales in Moodle are often not providing an accurate grade for students.

An example of a scale causing problems is the N-HD scale. 

'Grades N-HD - N0, N-, N, N+, P-, P, P+, CR-, CR, CR+, D-, D, D+, HD-, HD, HD+'.

This scale assumes that N0 is a 0 score and HD+ is a score of 100. A score of CR- is recorded as a fail as this option falls below the 50% point of the scale.

Instead of using Scales, our team recommends providing a score out of 100 and having the Gradebook show a Letter Grade to students.

  1. Go to Gradebook setup.
  2. Click the Edit then 'Edit settings' link opposite a category or grade item. (For the course total, click the Edit then 'Edit settings' link at the top of the actions column, opposite the name of the course.)
  3. Click 'Show more...' to reveal the Grade display type menu
  4. In the Grade display type menu, select 'Letter' (or 'Real (letter)' or 'Percentage (letter)').
  5. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page.

This will show students an accurate N-HD grade according to Monash's Grading Scheme

100.00 %80.00 %HD
79.99 %70.00 %D
69.99 %60.00 %C
59.99 %50.00 %P
49.99 %0.00 %N
