A quick
WARNING from our eLearning Services team about the use of Moodle's built-in scales in their Assignments and Forums.
Some users have been using reporting issues while using Moodle's built-in scales as the scales in Moodle are often not providing an accurate grade for students.
An example of a scale causing problems is the N-HD scale.
'Grades N-HD - N0, N-, N, N+, P-, P, P+, CR-, CR, CR+, D-, D, D+, HD-, HD, HD+'.
This scale assumes that N0 is a 0 score and HD+ is a score of 100. A score of CR- is recorded as a fail as this option falls below the 50% point of the scale.
Instead of using Scales, our team recommends providing a score out of 100 and having the Gradebook show a Letter Grade to students.
- Go to Gradebook setup.
- Click the Edit then 'Edit settings' link opposite a category or grade item. (For the course total, click the Edit then 'Edit settings' link at the top of the actions column, opposite the name of the course.)
- Click 'Show more...' to reveal the Grade display type menu
- In the Grade display type menu, select 'Letter' (or 'Real (letter)' or 'Percentage (letter)').
- Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page.
This will show students an accurate N-HD grade according to Monash's Grading Scheme
Highest | Lowest | Letter |
100.00 % | 80.00 % | HD |
79.99 % | 70.00 % | D |
69.99 % | 60.00 % | C |
59.99 % | 50.00 % | P |
49.99 % | 0.00 % | N |