Importing content from one Moodle page into another

Creation date: 16/01/2019 14:37    Updated: 16/01/2019 14:40   h5p import moodle
Course activities and resources may be imported from any other course that the teacher has editing permissions in. This will allow teachers to re-use instead of re-creating one or more activities or resources.

How to import activities or resources

In the site you wish to import content too, select the edit icon and Import

Search for the unit you wish to import content from and Continue

If you are only importing files or activities such as Assignments then untick all options except for 'Include activities and resources'.

Only keep the 'Include question bank and Include groups and groupings' options selected if you are imported quizzes or groups

Select the activities and resources you wish to import and select 'Next'

Then Perform Import

NOTE - All imported content will go to the exact same section as they are imported from. ie: files imported from the top section of one Moodle page will go to the top section in the next Moodle site. You will be able to move imported content to it's desired location after the import.
